We bring nature to you.
We live and breathe this natural way of life. From the way we do agriculture to how we do business, in our eyes it all comes down to putting ethics and good values into practice.
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Sustainability & Ethics
Join our cause and receive a Portuguese organic extra virgin olive oil, straight from our olive grove.
Azeitona Verde olive oil
We want to celebrate chefs and other amazing people who inspire us every day.
country living
Courgette and olive oil cake
Delicious, and it is made with an unexpected ingredient so maybe some of you will twist your noses, but trust me it is really good!
Egg-Stuffed Tomatoes with Pancetta and basil
This recipe is part of our book, “Brunch more than 150 recipes”, besides being delicious and simple. Just perfect for those who don’t want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen.
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